VinGraph studios pink outline logo

WHAT we do &
HOW we do it


In website and app design, this is your first impression with customers. We ensure that your brand and call to action are at the forefront, coupled with user experience being priority.
Here is what we focus on;

UX Design Icon in pink

UX Design

Prototyping icon in pink


wireframe icon in pink


UI Design icon in pink

UI Design

See Pricing


After the high fidelity mockups have been completed we move to the Webflow development phase. We work on the Webflow platform 95% of our time. Our intention is to make this process as seamless as possible, working with Webflow can really empower your team to build with scale in mind.

Responsive sizing icon in pink


Content Migration Icon in pink


Website Maintenance icon in pink


Content migration icon in pink


See Pricing


Once the digital product is launched and live. We listen to the user feedback and measuring analytics to devise a strategy to market your business and product, build your community.

Audit and consultation icon in pink

Audit &

Social media icon in pink

Social Media

Research and Analysis icon in pink

Research &

Campaign strategy icon in pink


See Pricing

Let's collaborate and craft designs, systems and strategies that work for you and has the ability to scale with your business.

Portrait of Elizabeth

How can we make a difference for you?

Hi, I'm Elizabeth, Founder and Creative Director of VG studios. We care about your goals and business.

We take pride in our work and the results, by understanding your pain points and how we can achieve your vision.

We have strong working relationships with our clients, built on understanding and trust. When we collaborate together, we create something beautiful and highly functional for your needs.

Here’s the Process

User Experience Interview Animation

Brand Interview

Identify user/consumer pain points and what are the goals for the brand?Where do these overlap?

UX Research Animation


Conduct 1:1 Interviews, Surveys, Focus Groups, Usability Tests

Blueprint and wireframe animation


Draw the overall layout for the project. This is done through wireframes, User Journey, and User Flow.

Design Process Animation


Build out the site in high fidelity, checking in with you throughout the process.

Launch Animation


A walk through of the the website and teach you how to make updates. We go live and start telling your audience!

Analysis Animation


Checkins and Feedback.Did we solve all the issues and pain points?


Website Packages

We offer a customized package that includes everything you’ll need for a new website, to help you grow your audience and scale your business.

Custom Website Icon
Custom Webflow Website

We turn your vision into a high converting website that helps you grow your audience.

Style Guide palette icon
style guide

A collection of all your branding assets into one easy accessible package.

Copywrite icon

We write all the content to communicate to your audience.

Image and Video icon
Image/Video Curating

High quality images & videos that are in line with your brand, as well as edit your handcrafted media.

brand strategy and icon
brand strategy

We collaborate and draft a brand story, defining a clear message to your audience, while creating a memorable experience.

Client Journey Icon
Client Journey 

A well defined, clear journey of your audience, from the first visit, to booking and buying.

One on One meeting icon
1 - 1 Webflow training

To ensure you feel 100% comfortable with editing and updating your website.  Empowering you to make updates anytime you want.

Video tutorial icon
Tutorial video package

Play-by-Play videos to source at your convenience. Friendly short clips to help you on your own time.


Let's Start

Are you ready?

If you want to learn more about making the right investment for your business.
Fill out the form below.

We will reply within 2 business days with some of follow up questions and price range.
This will help us understand what are the next steps.

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